I can look at picture books and enjoy looking at photos of people who are important to me
My carers follow my interests and help to build on my language and communication through play
I can listen and join in with stories
I can talk about events that are important to me
I can join in with role play
I join in with narrative play
I can pop bubbles
I can enjoy a free flow setting, whilst wearing appropriate clothing
I can climb stairs
I can kick a ball
I enjoy risky play, making my own obstacle courses and doing balancing activities
I can take care of my own personal hygiene
I meet my keyworker with my family. We complete an all about me
I have settling in sessions
I build a bond with my keyworker, and this helps me separate from my care giver
I enjoy adult led activities
I join in with small group work
I enjoy number songs
I can do puzzles
I notice numbers in the environment
I enjoy sorting patterns & notice patterns
I can make my own pattern
I can recognise numbers
I can use natural resources in play, sticks for mark making & leaves to makes pictures
I can explore the local area, noticing different elements
I can use the investigation station
I can ask why and how questions
I can understand life cycles
I can grow plants
I enjoy tipping and pouring activities
I can mix sand and water
I can use mathematical language in my activities (big, small, lots, more)
I can engage with and follow recipes. Mixing lots of ingredients together
I can reflect on the outcome
I can use my fingers to mark make
I enjoy using a range of materials and resources to make marks
I can recognise my name/ name label
I can take part in regular focus activities
I can distinguish between the marks I’ve made
We celebrate attempts of writing letters of important to us
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